Cappy Lemonade

Cappy Lemonade had no identity in Romania. Just a line, a product made out of natural ingredients and a challenge to make it known. In other words - a simple lemonade.This gave us a perfect chance to remind people that we’re champions at over-complicating good things. So our creative idea was - stop and enjoy something simple and good in and of itself.

Project: Lemonade Launch

Role: Art Director

Agency: McCann Worldgroup

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After we established the credo, we worked on producing three TVCs that reminded people to keep things simple. A dancer that went full disco, a proposal that’s was too 90’s and a selfie that just went over the top with preparation. It was also a perfect occasion for retro cool, with a good 90’s touch and a demo that had the good amount of Wes Anderson symmetry.


The Local Chain


The man in the sun